Dog hilariously saves certain goal in amateur game

Scotland – the home of association football to many – is now home to one of the most amusing saves we’ve ever seen.

Amateur football is best known across Britain for players turning up hungover, awful pitches, substitutes running the line and parents getting into heated arguments with the ref. It’s all part of the fun that comes along with popping down to see a Sunday League side play and, more often than not, these games are played in local parks that don’t exactly have many restrictions.

A tremendous doggo save

We all love to go and watch Premier League football at its finest because it’s nice to see the best of the best compete on the biggest stage imaginable. In equal measure, though, there’s also an element of unpredictability that comes with amateur matches – and we don’t think anyone is ready to give that up.

In the following clip we see one of Scotland’s finest goalkeeping dogs race onto the pitch for a dramatic last minute save, leaving his side’s actual goalkeeper with some egg on his face.

The puns that have come from this would be enough to keep us laughing for days but the footage itself is so remarkable because it’s just so raw. Football can, and in some cases should be taken incredibly seriously by the professionals who commit every single day of their lives to being the very best they can be.

At the same time we should all be allowed to have a bit of fun, which is what this moment provides.

Featured image credit: Getty

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