How Michael Chandler can beat Conor McGregor, according to an MMA legend

While Conor McGregor carries ferocious power, one MMA icon, believes that Michael Chandler has the tools to navigate the shots coming his way and secure the victory.

Despite his lengthy absence from the sport, ‘The Notorious’ carries an aura that isn’t leaving him anytime soon. With star power that’s unrivalled in combat sports and an innate ability to get under his opponent’s skin, overcoming the Irish superstar is about much more than matching him in the cage — you have to survive several months of intense verbal warfare.

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And while Chandler is a seasoned veteran of the game, he’s never faced the fan-fever that comes with McGregor.

However, Khabib Nurmagemedov’s former coach, Javier Mendez, believes the American’s got the ability to overcome the odds.

In an interview with Lord Ping, he said: “I’d tell Chandler, ‘Don’t allow Conor’s war of words to get you upset’, because he’s a master at that. And that’s one thing we prepared for from the very first day Khabib-McGregor was announced. I told Khabib every day, he’s going to come after your family, religion and your country. We talked about that for months leading up to the fight, and sure enough, he did what any scumbag fighter would do. If you’re a scumbag fighter, you come after those things, and you shouldn’t. Come after the fighter, fine, but using country and religion should never be allowed. This is a competition. It’s not life or death, but you’re making it life or death by bringing in religion and country. I wish fighters would never do that.”

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Javier Mendez reveals the tactics Michael Chandler implement against Conor Mcgregor


The esteemed coach explained: “I favour Conor only because Chandler likes to entertain. And he’s going to stand more than he should. If Chandler fought the way he could fight, I’d go with Chandler, but Chandler is such a great entertainer, he’s going to give Conor what he wants – doing more stand-up than he should. Conor is the sharpshooter out of the two. Chandler brings war every time, but I don’t think this is the right type of fight for him. He needs to come in Khabib style; that’s the way to go with Conor. Basically, shoot, shoot, shoot, punch. Never let him settle. Always let him know you’re going to take him down so he doesn’t settle, so he doesn’t get comfortable on his feet.”

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