EA rolls out FIFA 23 Fantasy FUT Hero Player Picks to make up for huge error

FIFA 23 gamers are absolutely buzzing that EA Sports has essentially given away compensatory players.

Following an array of errors, lucky individuals have been rewarded with mysterious Fantasy FUT Heroes Player Picks.

Every year, FIFA enthusiasts look forward to the Team of the Season. However, on this occasion, things haven’t exactly gone to plan.

As is usually the case, the TOTS promo started in Ultimate Team with the release of the Community TOTS squad. But everything went wrong when the squad players and the Eredivisie TOTS were released early.

However, this wasn’t the last disaster for the gaming giants. A few weeks later, the same happened with the La Liga TOTS, with the entire squad being included in packs two days before the release date.

However, the worst of the lot is undeniably EA releasing the Community TOTS Upgrade SBC with an incorrect description about what to expect in the Community TOTS Player Pack.

In a monumental failure, EA forgot to mention that the Pack would also include TOTS Moments. Therefore gamers who managed to complete the SBC and received a Community TOTS Moments item were consequently promised compensation.

However, as the days ticked by, FIFA lovers grew increasingly frustrated as they failed to receive the promised players. But to their delight, they’ve finally been given what they deserved, but not in the way they expected.

EA surprise FIFA 23 players with compensation handout

EA hasn’t just given out free Community TOTS Packs to the impacted players, but to random players as well.

Members of the FUT community were rendered perplexed while undeniably joyful as they logged onto FUT to discover a free Fantasy FUT heroes Player Pick, giving them the option to choose between three Fantasy Fut Heroes.

Unsurprisingly, lucky gamers headed to Twitter to express their joy.

As a community, gamers came together to try and figure out the reasoning. Most agreed that the Player Pick was an act of compensation from EA to apologise for an error with a Pack released in the FUT Store a few weeks ago. The Encore Pack was released in the Promo Pack segment of the FUT Store. It cost players a whopping 185,000 Coins or 1,250 FIFA Points.


Featured Image Credit: EA Sports