Following the decision to overturn Roe v Wade in America, Glenn Jacobs – also known as the WWE superstar Kane – came out in support of the ruling.
The Roe v Wade case granted women in the US the right to terminate pregnancy back in 1973. Now, nearly 50 years since the ruling by the US Supreme Court, that right has been reversed.
The decision means that individual states in the USA are now allowed to ban abortions, with The Guardian reporting that 26 are expected to do so immediately.
Glenn Jacobs supports Roe v Wade ruling
Glenn Jacobs has been the Republican Mayor of Knox County, Tennessee, since 2018. The wrestler moved into politics in 2008, supporting Texas Congressman Ron Paul in his presidential campaign.
Since then, he has explored his own political beliefs. The 55-year-old is still signed to the WWE today, but some of his political decisions and messages have rubbed several colleagues up the wrong way.
Most recently, Jacobs tweeted after the Roe v Wade case was overturned. He supported the decision and labelled it “an answer to a prayer for so many.”
Jacobs receives backlash
Following Jacobs’ tweet, a host of female wrestlers aired their frustrations at the wrestling icon. Former WWE wrestler Paige led the backlash.
In a reply to Jacobs’ tweet, she said: “Glenn you were an idol of mine and I sung your praises to anyone I met. But this is the biggest piece of shit take from you ever. Very disappointing that you think controlling women’s bodies and taking away our rights is a “victory”.”
AEW wrestler Dr Britt Baker shared Paige’s views. She also responded to Jacobs’ tweet, stating, “No wonder you couldn’t cut it as a dentist. #idiot”
In addition to Baker and Paige, Rosemary the Demon Assassin, who represents Impact Wrestling, criticised Jacobs in her response: “You literal piece of shit.”
How does the rest of the wrestling world feel about the ruling?
WWE superstars Becky Lynch and Mustafa Ali are among those who have aired their views on the Roe v Wade ruling. It appears as though Jacobs is in a minority in the wrestling world, in the camp of people who support the ruling.
Ali tweeted his support for the women who will be affected by the decision. He said: “They don’t care about your born or unborn. They care about money and power.”
Lynch, on the other hand, used her platform to give an insight into how women across the nation will feel at present.
She said: “Yes. I chose to be mother. To a daughter. That I could safely deliver and afford to raise. A daughter who deserves autonomy over her own body.
“Banning abortions doesn’t stop them. It stops safe ones.
“God bless you, your ignorance and lack of uterus”
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