Martyn Ford shows off huge physique as he continues boxing training

Despite the cancellation of his fight with Iranian Hulk, Martyn Ford has been working hard on his boxing training – and has updated fans on his progress.

The strongman was due to fight the controversial social media star on April 30 in a special event at the O2 Arena.

Fans never gave Hulk any sort of a chance of beating his rival. When the pair faced off in February, Ford towered over his opponent – and knocked him to the ground with a single push.

Read more: The Martyn Ford v Iranian Hulk face-off has fans worried for one fighter

The pair then exchanged insults and comments. Speaking at a pre-fight press conference in April, Ford said: “If he agrees to step in and [fight], he needs to be ready. One hundred per cent, I will bring everything to the table. But I expect if he is serious about fighting, then he gets his a*** into gear because I don’t want to disappoint people at the event.”

Ford then claimed Hulk had “fooled the world with Photoshop” in his social media posts. He added that “seeing him in real life is not as impressive as seeing him in pictures”.

YouTube video

The verbal battles didn’t end following the cancellation of the bout, which Ford claimed was due to “concerns over mental well-being“. Hulk called his rival a “coward“, before Ford again appeared to poke fun at the Iranian’s size with a chicken wing analogy.

Read more: Martyn Ford savages Iranian Hulk with brutal chicken wing analogy

Martyn Ford continues boxing training; updates fans on Instagram

Despite his bout with Iranian Hulk being officially off, Martyn Ford has continued working on his boxing skills.

In October, the Brit gave up bodybuilding to focus entirely on his boxing preparation. Therefore, it is understandable why he is frustrated that he cannot step in the ring yet.

However, Ford has shown no signs of ending his ambitions of fighting inside the squared circle. He is still training – and has updated his 3.9 million Instagram followers as to his impressive progress.

Image Credit: Instagram / Martyn Ford

He wrote: “So… figure this… I stop all forms of bodybuilding in October, I move into boxing and combat sports training, I end up looking BIGGER than ever. I give up.

“Want to pack on muscle? Go for a run. My body definitely doesn’t function normal.”

Image Credit: Instagram / Martyn Ford

Earlier in the week, Ford posted a video on Instagram. It shows himself pushing two men and a medicine ball around a gym. It looks like the boxing training is going reasonably well for him.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram / Martyn Ford